Twenty-five wonderful bloggers have, once again, sponsored this week's Hump Day Giveaway. This week's task is for Twitter follow which is super easy to do. Feel free to visit all the wonderful blogs below once you're done entering the giveaway. You can log on to Rafflecopter via your Facebook account, or your name and email (just make sure your Twitter is opened so you can easily follow the profiles).

My Tots Exactly | Mommy Kat... This is My LIFE | Pinay Jade | Mole On My Sole | Diva Fabulosa fashion blog | Simply Claire | Pop Ups of My Mind | Travel Quest | Charming Junkie | WAHMaholic | Delight My Appetite | Hott mama in the city | My Charmed Mom | Bloggers Tech | Marriage and Beyond | MOM | Fabulicious Diva | My Tummy Calls | The Blogger Hub | Travel Unravels | Fashion Dresses and Clothes | El Caliente Mamma | The Tsinay Writes | WAHMy Sammy
Once you've followed ALL the profiles (separate page to be opened through the Rafflecopter form), leave your Twitter username on the space provided for Extra Info on Rafflecopter after doing the task so we can verify your entry.
A note: Please join only on one blog. A maximum of 51 entries will be considered. If you have more than 51 entries, the host reserves the right to delete duplicate or fraudulent entries. Also, please use only one name, email address, or Twitter account for quicker validation of entries.
On the first mandatory entry, please write Mole on My Sole referred you. You must complete the mandatory tasks before the other entries are enabled.
Thank you very much and good luck. By joining this giveaway, you agree to the Terms and Conditions on the bottom of the form. Contest is open all-day Wednesday, from June 20th, 12:01am EDT to June 20th,11:59pm EDT (June 20th, 12:01pm Philippine time to June 21st, 11:59am Philippine time).
Make sure to come back to this page after liking all the pages to enter your credentials.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Once you've followed ALL the profiles (separate page to be opened through the Rafflecopter form), leave your Twitter username on the space provided for Extra Info on Rafflecopter after doing the task so we can verify your entry.
A note: Please join only on one blog. A maximum of 51 entries will be considered. If you have more than 51 entries, the host reserves the right to delete duplicate or fraudulent entries. Also, please use only one name, email address, or Twitter account for quicker validation of entries.
On the first mandatory entry, please write Mole on My Sole referred you. You must complete the mandatory tasks before the other entries are enabled.
Thank you very much and good luck. By joining this giveaway, you agree to the Terms and Conditions on the bottom of the form. Contest is open all-day Wednesday, from June 20th, 12:01am EDT to June 20th,11:59pm EDT (June 20th, 12:01pm Philippine time to June 21st, 11:59am Philippine time).
Make sure to come back to this page after liking all the pages to enter your credentials.
Write Mole on My Sole on entry #1
Did you like my post? CLICK THIS to have my posts delivered straight to your email inbox.